酒井抱一  1761−1828  雅楽船    作品 85.5p× 157.5p / 表装 105.0p×220.0p

Japanese Scroll Painting Gagaku Music by Sakai Hoitsu

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江戸後期の画家。名は忠因。通称栄八。姫路城主酒井忠以の弟として江戸に生まれる。文芸を愛好する酒井家の血を継いで、画はもちろん、俳諧、和歌、連歌、国学、書、さらに能、仕舞などの諸芸をたしなんだ。画業は初め狩野高信から狩野風を学び、また宋紫石について沈南蘋の写生画風、歌川豊春から浮世絵、さらに土佐派、円山派などの技法を習得、親交あった谷文晁からも影響を受けるなど、諸派の画風を次々と学んだ。のち尾形光琳の作品に接して深く傾倒し、独自の立場でその作風を試み、江戸時代の装飾芸術の流派「琳派」の最後を飾った。文政11年11 月29日没。


apanese hanging scroll painting, Edo period, 19th century.
The Imperial family enjoys music played by the orchestra on boats floating in the lake under the scenic beauty of Autumn.
Signed Hoitsu and sealed. It is painted on silk with ink and pigments, accompanied by a paulownia wood box.
Sakai Hoitsu (1761-1828)was a Japanese painter active in the late Edo period
Hoitsu had all the advantages of the finest education in poetry, Noh drama, tea ceremony, and painting. He began his studies in art in the Kanō school and continued to study under Utagawa Toyoharu (1735-1814) in the ukiyo-e style. He also studied Japanese Nan-ga (Japanese literati painting) under So Shiseki(1715-1786) as well as Maruyama scroll painting and Tosa school painting before finally becoming a painter of the Rinpa school.
Hoitsu became a Buddhist monk in 1797.

Condition:The scroll is in good condition with minor marks on the painting associated with age. There are slight stains, light folding creases and
tears on the lower part of the mounting.

価格 ¥498,000

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