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Antique Zen ink wash Painting, Kanzan & Zittoku

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Interesting and unique Zen ink wash painting of scroll and bamboo broom featuring Kanzan and Jittoku, who are Zen eccentrics thought to have lived at a monastery on Mt. Tendai in China during the Tang period (618-907). Both of them were no better than beggar but had a thorough knowledge of Buddhist philosophy. Kanzan often depicted holding a scroll, presumably of his poetry, while Jittoku holds a broom, indicating his position as a scullion at a monastery. Their unconventional appearances have often been painted by Zen monks in China and Japan since ancient times. Circa late 18th - early 19th century. Painted on paper with ink. There are some stains and marks on the painting, and discoloration is appeared on the mounting itself due to its great age. This painting attributes to Nakamura Hochu.

Nakamura Hochu (-1819) was a painter active during late Edo period. He was well known for paintings with humorous subjects as well as rinpa school paintings, which he was well adept. He was also good at linked verse (haikai).

価格 ¥110,000


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