Japanese Scroll Painting
Samurai by Tosa Mitsuoki |
江戸時代の土佐派を代表する絵師。和泉国堺出身。父は土佐光則。名は藤満。住吉如慶は伯父にあたる(異説あり)。18歳の時父に従い京都に移り、1654年、38歳で従五位下左近衛将監に叙され、この時宮廷の絵所預になったと考えられる。同年からの京都御所造営では如慶と共に参加し、襖絵、杉戸絵を制作した。後水尾天皇の覚えが厚く、光起は改めて自邸に絵所の称号を勅許され、「勅許画院」の印象を用いるのを許可された。のちの1681年に法橋となり剃髪、常昭と号し、1685年には法眼に叙した。大和絵の主流だった土佐派にあきたらず、ライバルの狩野派や宋元画を学び、従来の温雅な大和絵に克明な写生描法を取り入れた。 本紙は、経年による染み、汚れ、巻きしわがあります。 表装は、汚れ、しわがあります。 Japanese hanging scroll painting, Edo period, 17th century. A group of samurai won a victory in a battle. The samurai on the far right holds a stand with the head of their enemy’s general to present to the Shogun in the middle. It is sealed. The artist name Tosa Mitsuoki is seen on the side of the scroll. It is painted with ink and pigments on paper. Tosa Mitsuoki (1617-1691) was a representative artist of Tosa school in Edo period. He devoted himself to revive the Tosa school of painting as the Kyoto court painter, which had been many years held by Tosa family, but become in possession by Kano school since Muromachi period (1336-1573).Mitsuoki studied Kano school painting as well as Song dynasty and Yuan dynasty (AD 960-1279) Chinese court paintings. Condition:There are some stains and folding creases on the painting due to its great age. The mounting is in good condition with some creases and stains consistent with age. Please contact us if you wish to take off the painting for your own framing. |