The historyIt is said that
Kobo Daishi opened it by the prayer of the imperial ordinance of the Emperor Sage 12 in
the Konin era (821), and Shogun Jizo Bosatsu of the principal image was carved at that
time. This Jizo Bosatsu is 5.5 centimater, it puts on an armor, and has a priest's staff
in itsright hand and Nyoihoju in its right hand, its shape riding astride one's horse with
its bach surrounded by a halo is brave, the temple making its principal image Shogun Jizo
is only this temple in the 88 Buddist temples. At the present time it is put in the womb
of Jizoson (about eight centimeter) carved by Jokan shonin. Jizoji temple was once a big
temple that has three hundred temples in three province (Awa, Sanuki, Iyo), but it is
almost destroyed by the fire of war for the Tensho era, only Taishido and Mikagedo was
remained. After that is was revived,and gets to the present time. The precincts is vast
over about forty thousand kilometer square.
fine viewLocal people are familiar with
this temple on the protext of "Rakansan", if you go through the Nio gate, a beg
ginkho rises in the precincts, and Taishido and the shrine of Awashima Dainyojin form a
line at the inner part of the right hand. There is the big main priest's residential
Quarters attached to a Buddhist temple at the front, and the main temple at the left hand
on this side. If you go up the steps of stone at the bach turning around the main temple,
there is Rakando of the inner shrine. Over three handred clear colored Rakanzos as large
as life form a line in the temple, the statue having many expression creates a strange
atmosphere of a kind, The temple which has five hundred statues is destroyed by fire 4 in
the Taisho era, and almost Rakansan was lost, but after that the building of the temple ws
rebuilt, Rakansan was recarved too, it is said that all the five hundred statues are
complete. |