The history It is
said that the origin is that Kobo Daishi was on the way moving around shikoku, he finded a
white snake at this place, because a which snake is the messenger of Buddha he built the
temple here, and he named it Hakujasan・Korinji temple.After that the destiny of the
temple had prospered and had the wide region of the temple, When Motochika Chosogabe went
to Kyoto,first he attacked Awa that was close to there, by this fight, almost all the
neighboring temple were destroyed by fire. Horinji temple was no exception to this rule,
all was destroyed by fire. After that Sango (it is named on the name of the temple) was
changed for Shokakuzan,the name of the temple was changed for Horinji temple,it was
rebuilt at the present place for the Tempo era (1644-48), The principal image of Buddha is
the image of Shaka Nyorai Nehan which is said that Kobo Daishi carved,the size of it is 80
centimeters,and it could escape danger of fire. It is a Buddhist statue rarely shown to
the public and it is unvailed once a year.Only this temple has the image of Nehan as the
principal image of Buddha in the 88 Buddhist temple in Shikoku. Nehan is the posture when
Shakyamuni was eighty years old,last preached under the tree of Sarasoju,and died.
fine viewHorinji temple
is in the spacions country,it makes the scenery beautiful. The precincts is surrounded by
the mud wall,the frame of "Shokakuzan" is hanged on the main gate of two layers
of the Buddhist temple that escaped the five. If you go through the gate, sand is spreaded
all over the precincts,the big tree of a ginkgo towers in a line on the right, and Kuri
(the kitchen of the temple) is on the right of this side. |